Enhanced micromotion compensation using a phase modulated light field
176Lu+ clock comparison at the 10-18 level via correlation spectroscopy
Precision measurement of the 3D1 and 3D2 quadrupole moments in Lu+
Magic wavelength of the 138Ba+ 6s2 S1/2 - 5d2 D5/2 clock transition
Hyperfine Averaging by Dynamic Decoupling in a Multi-Ion Lutetium Clock
Precision measurements on the 138Ba+ 6s2 S1/2 - 5d2 D5/2 clock transition
Measurements of the branching ratios for 6P1/2 decays in 138Ba+
On the polarizability assessments of ion-based optical clocks
Physical Review A 100:043418 (2020)
Suppressing inhomogeneous broadening in a lutetium multi-ion optical clock
Spectroscopy of the 1S0 - 1D2 clock transition in 176Lu+
Oscillating quadrupole effects in high precision metrology
Oscillating-magnetic-field effects in high-precision metrology
Dicke model simulation via cavity-assisted Raman transitions
Blackbody radiation shift assessment for a lutetium ion clock
Observation of the 1S0 to 3D1 clock transition in 175Lu+
Suppression of clock shifts at field-insensitive transitions
Prospects for atomic clocks based on large ion crystals
Developing a field independent frequency reference
Realization of the Dicke model using cavity-assited Raman transitions
Experimental determination of the nuclear magnetic octupole moment of 137Ba+ ion
Reliability test for the experimental results of electric quadrupole hyperfine structure constants and new assessment of nuclear quadrupole moments in 135,137Ba
Sub-Doppler Cavity Cooling Beyond The Lamb-Dicke Limit
Detection of ion micromotion in a linear Paul trap with a high finesse cavity
Self-Organization Threshold with an External Potential
Trapping and detection of single atoms using a spherical mirror
Spectroscopy on a single trapped 137Ba+ ion for nuclear magnetic octupole moment determination
Self-Organization Threshold Scaling For Thermal Atoms
Fabrication of Glass Micro-Cavities for Cavity QED Experiments
Collective cavity QED with multiple atomic levels
State detection using coherent Raman repumping and two-color Raman transfers
Honors Theses
Photoionization of Neutral Barium (Wei Na Goh)
An Ion Trap for
Cavity QED (Bobby Tan)
Shelving of Barium Ion by Two
Lasers Raman Transition (Chen Zhanjiang)
Development of a
Micro-Cavity (Derek Ho)
Atom Sources for Cold Atoms
Experiments (Tan Ting Rei)
Dipole Force Trap for
Transporting Neutral Atoms (Chuah Boon Leng)